I can't believe how fast this semester has flown by. I seem to remember people saying last year that second year was way easier than the first...well I have yet to see it. We seem to have way more assignments this year with at least 2 things due every single week and the so-called "midterms" have seemed to be going on for the entire semester we still have 1 or 2 more and then finals start the following week.
But enough with the complaining, we have been doing so really fun stuff this semester, the transfemoral fittings have been going surprisingly well for most of us...well surprising to our teachers but we all know we have skills!! Kidding, but the biggest challenge has just arrived with our CAD-CAM fittings, which we just got back from central fab and found that the majority of the sockets look nothing like our patients limb.
Besides class we have had a few exciting things going on outside of class, tomorrow a group of us will be attending the CFL western final...to cheer on the Riders, of course!!! Go Riders!!
I would also, like to use this forum to thank the entire class on behalf of Duane, Lisa and myself who have recently received achievement awards for last year. Our entire class is extremely bright and we work as such a great team helping each other out where we need it. I would love it if we could all receive awards...but sorry guys although I love you and am grateful for all your help I am not willing to give up any of my award. Seriously though, thank you guys!!
Sorry, no pictures this time. I will try to get some over the next few weeks.