Well our four week work terms are coming to an end. Its exciting/scary to think the next time we spend that much time in a clinic it will be for our internships. I can't speak for everyone but I found this past four weeks taught me REDICULOUS amounts. With a year and a half under our belts, we had so much more knowledge going into our placements that we were able to take more out of the experience.
There were only two of us in Vancouver this month but everyone else will be returning on Sunday (Superbowl Sunday that is) and then its back to class on Monday. David Gans will be teaching us upper extremity orthotics for the whole week and he has already warned us to "be prepared!!". Monday we also have our proposals due for our end of the year projects. This last semester is shaping up to be a crazy one.

This was a picture of us in San Fran last year, we all look forward to the trip later this semester to a course put on by Ohio Willow Wood. I can only imagine the awesome memories that we will make.....CAN'T WAIT!
Talk to you all soon.