For those of you who aren’t like me and don’t spend the last two weekends of March glued to the TV, March madness is the NCAA men’s basketball tournament where 64 teams compete for world supremacy or at the very least a national championship. What makes this tournament so great is that it’s full of surprises, heartache, excitement, agony, and disbelief and that’s just within the first game. Anyway your probably asking yourself what does this have to do with midterms? Well I can tell you from past experience with tests and this last week of midterms that we as a class have experienced all of these emotions and more and there is still with one more test to go…the national championship you might say.
I believe that following this week of exams we are all going to breath a collective sigh of relief and hope and pray that everything went according to plan. But if our efforts end in vain we need to realize that success does not come to those that do not try or a William Shakespeare writes
“Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt”