So this is my first post - hopefully it will work properly. We're now 9 weeks into the second semester, and next week is our week-long spring break. It's definately a welcome change from all the exams and assignments we've had due during the last couple weeks. It's also a time when the profs seem to like to pile upcoming assingments on. Anyways, over the last two weeks, a bunch of us (Me, Petra, Kevin, Jody, Duane, and Peter) ventured out of our familiar BCIT classroom and boarded a ferry to take us to unknown far off lands. Ok, actually it was only Queen Alexandra's Children's hospital over in Victora. We were fortunate to assess, cast, and fit a couple patients each (not to mention eat some good cookies, cinnamon buns, and coffee cake). The fittings went good for the most part, we got to experience some crazy driving in a cramped 2001 Dodge Caravan thanks to James, 2 early morning, and 2 early evening ferry rides (at $11 each...I'm still a little bitter), crashing video game systems, crazy old guys with huge glasses trying to pick up much younger woman, a guy who had a HUGE luggage case that resulted in much speculation as to its contents (it was a kayak...told you Petra), and way too many episodes of age-unappropriate cartoons. All in all, it was a good time.