Saturday, March 31, 2007

March Madness

Well, the last few weeks have been extremely busy. Just over a week before our spring break, we finally raised enough money for our trip to the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists’ annual meeting in San Francisco. (Thank you sooo much to all of you who supported us!!) We then had a quick rush to book flights, hostel accommodation, and conference tickets. The time was tight (especially since we had midterm exams to deal with at the same time), but we got it done. Yippeee! We’re going to San Francisco!!

The first two days of our spring break were spent helping out with the CAPO Exam Preparation Course that took place at BCIT. Interns from all over Canada came here to spend 3 days to get advice on how to handle their Certification Exams. Most of us students played the role of Mock Examiner for the CBCPO Mock Oral Examination. We were each given a list of questions on various topics to ask the interns. Even though this course was meant to help out the interns, it was also an awesome learning experience for us. It gave us a preview of what is coming down the road for us in future years. So now we have a better idea of the type of questions that will be asked during the oral exams and can already start to focus on how to answer them.

After the mock exams, most of us separated to our home cities to have a couple days to see family and friends before we would gather together again in San Francisco.

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